Start your Accreditation & Quality journey today


We are thrilled to welcome Kaye Mann to the PA team as Accreditation & Quality Partner. Kaye is joining PA to expand our Quality & Accreditation division, helping you transition to the new strengthened Standards, with dedicated focus on the individual, outlined rights and expectations, access to services, relational regulatory framework, statutory duties of care by Providers.

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Kaye is passionate about the Accreditation & Quality space and says;

Given this is one of the largest legislative reforms to affect the Aged Care industry in decades, we recommend Providers start now and consider a Health Check or Key Risk Audit to independently assess the status of your current quality management system”.

PA has dedicated Quality personnel nationally to support you in this journey – whether you need resource to fill a temporary gap; for a project to improve a certain area, or a full overhaul – Kaye is ready to start the conversation.

Enter your details to book a conversation now!